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Monday, September 19, 2011

Learning About Migraine Treatment

If you suffer from migraine headaches you know how debilitating they can be. You have probably tried a number of migraine treatments with little or no relief as well, which makes you feel like banging your head against the wall.

Why not, it couldn't hurt any worse, right? You dread the moment you get the first sign, or aura, of a migraine coming on. You start to see spots, feel sensitive to light, smells, or sounds, and may feel dizzy or nauseated.

You just want to find a dark room and tuck yourself into bed somewhere. Migraine sufferers are unable to function at work, school, or anywhere else for that matter. According to The National Migraine Association, also known as MAGNUM (, reports that 36 million people in the United States suffer from migraine headaches.

With improved recognition of symptoms and diagnosis by health care providers, a 60% increase in migraine sufferers has been noted over the past decade. Migraines are different in each individual and not everyone experiences the same symptoms, which is why some migraine treatments are more effective than others, making the process somewhat complicated.

Migraine headaches are a neurological disease with biological causes that are often hereditary. Migraine treatments have improved immensely over the years, but are not effective for everyone, not to mention the side effects that some people experience.

Migraine treatments are divided into separate group. There are preventive or prophylactic medications and alternative therapies for migraine treatment, and there are those that work to ward off symptoms once a migraine has ensued. Prescribed medications used in migraine treatment are beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, anti-depressants, and Depakote (an anti-seizure drug)
Alternative prophylactic migraine treatments include feverfew leaf, butterbur root, vitamin B12, and magnesium supplementation. New research is also looking to the gut, which may be the origin of migraine headaches in some sufferers.

If preventive therapy is not completely effective, prescription medications such as Imitrex, Maxalt, Zomig, Relpax, Midrin, and Migranal can be used which lessen the severity and duration of migraines by initiating cerebral vasoconstriction.

If migraine treatment is sought in a physician's office or emergency room, a narcotic injection can be administered, such as Stadol, Phenergan, or Vistril, which are non-vasoconstricting agents used in the event other treatments are contraindicated.

These are all effective migraine treatments, but remember that not all will help every migraine sufferer. Other alternative treatments such acupuncture, biofeedback, and chiropractic manipulation have also proven to be effective migraine treatments in some patients.

Avoiding certain migraine triggers is an important intervention that can be used by all "migrainuers", such as avoiding certain foods and alcoholic beverages than have caused migraines in the past, and wearing sunglasses in bright sunlight.

If you suffer from migraine headaches and you are not getting relief from your current migraine treatment regimen, then schedule a consultation with your health care provider. It is possible to get better relief and have fewer episodes, which will greatly improve your emotional outlook and quality of life.

Herbs That Detoxify!

Once the kidneys are detoxified, a healthy flow of nutrients are free to make their way to the scalp where they promote healthy hair growth.

Here are list of the top 10 most effective herbs for detoxification.

1. Camomile - a great relaxant and good for the stomach, which helps if you're tense. It reduces inflammation and it's a tissue healer - inhale the azulenes given off in the steam to soothe the inflamed mucous membranes of the nose, throat and chest.

2. Skullcap - skutellaria - improves functioning of nervous system; calming effect- it's good if you're frazzled .

3. Yarrow - tones the blood vessels and helps you purge toxins by sweating them out.

4. Peppermint - calming, good for the stomach, clears the head, relaxing - and it tastes nice!

5. Elderflower - decongestant, soothing to the mucous membranes; helps to clear out the mucous and catarrh that settles in the lungs of most smokers.

6. Ground Ivy - also decongestant and helps clear out mucous and catarrh.

7. Liquorice - this is an adrenal tonic, so it will perk you up and stop you missing the 'hit' of the nicotine quite so much. It's also demulcent - soothing on the throat - so if you have a smokers cough, this will help. You can get liquorice root as sticks, that you can chew if you want to have something in your fingers and your mouth - good if you're used to cigarettes as a 'prop' - and you can use chunks of liquorice root in the tea

8. Sarsaparilla root increases the flow of urine and breaks up gas. Classified generally as a blood purifier, it is commonly used for various eruptive skin disorders.

9. Milk Thistle seeds are used for liver, gall bladder and spleen support. It is commonly used as a liver protector when consumed before meals and alcohol consumption.

10. Red Clover is a blood purifier that is mild and mineral-rich. It is good for the general prevention of health problems and may be consumed freely without any known side effects.

Your outer appearance is a pure reflection of how you take care of your inner body. A healthy body, mind, and spirit can be effected by many outside forces. Impurities can be hidden in our air, food, and water, and a build up of toxins can lead to poor digestion, fatigue, lowered immunity, and skin problems.

We urge you to start detoxifying easily by first starting off with some detox teas. There are so many brands which works effectively in detoxifying your body! Start living healthy today!

How To Keep Your Plants In Bloom With Dead-Heading

Off with her head" the queen shouted at Alice in the Lewis Carroll story "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland". Now I'm not sure if Lewis had an interest in gardening but he could well have been giving us some horticultural instruction which will give us a longer flowering season. There is a technique known as dead-heading, it is a simple task which takes a few minutes however adds days and sometimes weeks to your flowering display.

How to dead-head

If you've never dead-headed before here's how go about it…… Firstly keep a watchful eye on your flowering plants, paying close attention to blooms that are past their best. Once a flower has started to fade remove it from the plant with a quick snip from your secateurs, alternatively knip it off with your thumb and forefinger. When doing this try to remove just the spent flower leaving the new buds beneath intact.

The many benefits

Your beds and borders now look neater due to the lack of fading blooms but how else has this deadheading process helped us? Well by removing the spent flowers we have prevented the plant from setting seed which if it did would trigger the production of a hormone which causes flowering to shut down completely. So by our slight tinkering with Mother Nature we can often force the plant to put its energies into a second flush of flower production instead of seed production. Bear in mind that your planting should have a plentiful supply of nutrients to give a secondary flowering.

Plants that respond well to dead-heading

Dead-heading works particularly well on perennials and most annual bedding especially Antirrhinums (Snapdragons), Violas (Pansies) and Dianthus (Sweet Williams) although it can sometimes be impossible to carry out on very small flowers or on very large and floriferous shrubs. Shrubs which react well to dead-heading include Buddleia (Butterfly bush), Syringa (Lilac) and some Spireas. Roses of course are ideal candidates for this technique to ensure more blooms before the rose-hips form.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Outdoor Team Building Activities - Improving the Team Environment

Outdoor Team Building Activities go a long way towards allowing the team members to recover from disunity, irritation and disagreements and come together as a cohesive team. They demonstrate different aspects of team behaviors and encourage the team members to think about the essentials required for a high performance team. These activities involve getting the team to work together in an environment of fun, which is necessary for fostering healthy team spirit. These activities ensure that all the participants appreciate their colleagues' contribution to the activities. The joint outdoor team building activities will make the team members see their colleagues in a different light, leading to improved working relationships at work.

The outdoor team building activities help to sensitize members of the team to their colleagues' behaviors that lead to obstruction of group problem solving. 'Behaviors' encompass good communication abilities, problem-solving skills, trust, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each team member, and understanding each other's point of view.

Outdoor Team Building Activities – What They Involve
A group of people thrown together does not automatically make a team. There is a need to get to know and to get along with each other, develop inter-personal relationships, and build a spirit of trust among each other individually as well as collectively. They need to develop practical skills to get along with each other on the day-to-day basis as an effective team. The outdoor team building activities involve a host of outdoor activities performed together to improve trust and inter-personal relations, among other things.

There is a wide range of outdoor activities for team building, such as road rallies, sailing regattas, rafting, team treasure hunts, bungee jumping, snowboarding, fly fishing, interactive seminars; the list is endless. The outdoor team building activities need not be needlessly strenuous. These are for fun, to allow the members of the team to get to know each other and come together as a team. This goes a long way towards improving working environment.

Outdoor Team Building Activities – Take the Help of Professionals
There are professionals who organize such outdoor team building activities. They provide a large variety of activities for your team to participate in. They have the wherewithal to arrange such events in a safe manner. They will organize outdoor activities that will put your team members into new demanding and amusing situations that require much interaction between them. Activities can be used to pit one team against the other, to focus on developing competitiveness.

These professionals, while organizing your outdoor team building activities focus on improving communication among the team members, in addition to overcoming individual differences, coping with change, learning to be supportive and appreciative, and putting together solutions to non-standard problems, etc.

They can also customize activities to meet your requirements for the team's specific needs. The adventurous outdoor team building activities are not an end in them but integrate initiative and problem-solving exercises, followed by feedback and discussions.

If you do not wish to indulge in strenuous outdoor team building activities, your team can take part regularly in some community services that benefit the community you reside in. This and other charitable work gives the feeling of having achieved something worthwhile, and unites the team much faster.

Vitamins and Hair Loss

Vitamins are necessary for your body health as well as hair health. Different vitamins contribute to maintain your body metabolism and hair growth. These also prevent your hair from falling. So it is very important for you to take different vitamins in your daily diet in sufficient quantity. Some of the most important vitamins and minerals that are necessary in maintaining your hair growth are biotin, folic acid, magnesium, sulfur, zinc and inositol. Having these vitamins and minerals in enough quantity will prevent hair loss and maintain your hair growth. However, consuming these vitamins and minerals in excess may cause a lot of problem. So it is very important for you to know, how much of these vitamins and minerals you needs in your daily diet. You can take the help of your nutritionist to gain knowledge of this. You also can get sufficient information from internet websites and magazines etc.

Scientists have performed a number of tests on these vitamins and minerals to know how these helps human hair either to grow or prevent them. And from different studies the vitality of these vitamins and minerals for human hair has been established. For example; scientists have found that a deficiency of magnesium results in hair loss in porches. Similarly, a deficiency of inositol or biotin result in total hair loss or complete baldness. Luckily, the complete baldness has never been the case with females, till date.

If you think that you are losing your hair and need some more vitamins to consume in your diet, you can choose from various food diet rich in vitamins necessary for hair growth. You also can opt for multivitamins. But before choosing any option, it would be better in your interest to consult your doctor or nutritionist to know the exact intake that you need to have. As you know that the excess of vitamins and minerals also leads to problems like hair loss. So think for a minute, if the reason of your hair problems is an over consumption of vitamins and minerals.

For example: vitamin A is good for your immune system and your hair health if you consume in right quantity. But when taken in excess may cause hair problems and many other health problems too. Fatty acids are another example; different fatty acids maintain your hair texture and save them from dryness, but when consumed in excessive quantity leads to problems.

This is also in best interests of yours' to prefer diet rich in different vitamins and minerals rather than opting for vitamin supplements and multivitamins. Make sure that your diet contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins and minerals. Eat whole grain breads, a lot of leafy green vegetables, especially greens and drink a lot of water. Include in your diet various dairy products like milk, cheese, butter and poultry products like egg, etc. Sea food like cod fish will also help your hair to make good, gorgeous and healthy. Eat a lot of whole fruits. Although, you can have fruit juices occasionally but having more of whole fruits than fruit juices is much better idea.

You also can try on different shampoos and hair oils to maintain your hair health. But don't try any product on the basis of TV advertisements. Ask your doctor or health care expert for the right kind of oil and shampoo that will prevent your hair from falling and make healthy and good looking.

No matter what you try for your hair health, it is always better idea to have food rich in different nutrients and vitamins and minerals to maintain your body and hair health.

Guys Loves Girls Thong Above Their Jeans

Guys love seeing girls thong above their jeans. Although I do know many guys find it really unattractive. However, if you are the girl that loves to show off your thong jeans, maybe you should think about buying this pair of jeans where the thong is attached to the jeans.

The picture above is so called the Japanese thong jeans. They are made so that you don’t have to wear your thongs anymore! (I mean, are there really any space to wear your underwear?) I guess by wearing this- not only you’ll get full attention, you also get to leave your panties at home!

When I first saw this-IÂ immediately laughed. I’m not gonna lie, but this looks so unattractive! Â Sandra Tanimura, a Sanna designer, created these jeans because customers mentioned they had a hard time keeping their low cut jeans up.

“We specialize in making low-rise trousers and our customers wanted them to get even lower. It was very difficult meeting these demands without the trousers falling down. I came up with the idea of using the bikini strings to let the trousers hang really low without falling.”

An Introduction To Cosmetic Dentistry

White, evenly shaped teeth enhance the beauty of your face. Cosmetic dentistry offers many treatment options for people who want to improve their teeth. The methods can be as simple as teeth whitening or as complex as bracing and bridging.

How do teeth whitening work?
Teeth whitening products uses materials consisting of peroxide to give the teeth a white and clean appearance. You can either visit the cosmetic dentist or use a home-based whitening system. Home-based systems use 20% peroxide but is a longer process, lasting for two weeks. Cosmetic dentists will start the process by removing all the cavities from the teeth and ensuring the gums are healthy. Then a dental system for protection of the gum is applied. Gels are then added on the teeth. At times, high intensity lights along with 35% peroxide can be used to start the whitening process. The light will oxidize the stains on the teeth, resulting in activation of peroxide. You will notice the stains fade after an hour, thus making your teeth appear lighter.

What is tooth-shaping?
Tooth-shaping is the most basic procedure and is an half an hour process. It reshapes the unwanted shape of the teeth. The cosmetic dentist can completely alter the shape of your teeth or the shape of the upper ones to match the lower ones. Even the removal of small amount of tooth enamel will not cause any damage in the long and short run.

What are Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain veneers, also called veneers, are porcelain slices that improve the appearance of the front of the teeth. They also cover any damage caused to the teeth. They have the same effects as dentures or artificial teeth. A cosmetic dentist would be able to provide the pros and cons of this treatment.
What is Resin?
Resins are kept on the teeth for a short time to improve their appearance. It is used to treat chips and cavities. The chips and cavities are filled with white fillings. The disadvantage is that these resins may lose their color after some time, thus losing their natural look.

What is Bonded-Bridge?
Bonded-bridge is a porcelain or resin tooth with metal or resin wings on both the sides. It fills the gap left by the missing tooth. The cosmetic dentist removes a small amount of enamel from teeth on both the sides of the hole and then the bonded-bridge is clipped on the teeth to fill the hole.

What is Gum-lift?
Gum-lifting, or gingivectomy, involves removing some part of the gums to even them out and make the teeth appear longer. It cures gummy smiles. A cosmetic dentist would be able complete the process in one or two sittings.

What are Braces?
Braces or orthodontics rectifies the gaps between the teeth, giving them an even appearance. It is a two-year process to help children and young adults. A cosmetic dentist would add the braces in one session.

An Overview of Handicapped Bathtub Options

There are several bathtubs on the market today specially designed for handicapped bathers. Many have special features that allow those with special needs to use the tubs without assistance. Purchasing one of these handicapped bathtubs can allow your loved one to regain their independence and dignity.

One of the more popular types of tubs is the "walk-in" bathtub. This tub is usually designed to fit in about the same space as a traditional bathtub, but allows the user with mobility issues to step into the tub through a gate-like door. Allowing the user to step into the tub reduces injuries caused by climbing over the wall of a traditional tub. Additionally, the walk in bathtub is designed with a seat and handheld shower head for convenient and safe use. The user does not need to lower themselves to the floor, only onto a seat. After sealing the door with a knob or button, the bather can relax comfortably and safely and take advantage of optional features like hydrotherapy, temperature control and self-drying features.

Those with more severe mobility limitations and wheelchair users may appreciate another popular handicapped bathtub model. On these models, the doors open outward to make them even easier to use, and the "sit and pivot" style allows wheelchair users to transfer themselves to the tub with ease. Popular features can be installed, and these units also offer temperature control, optional whirlpool or hydrotherapy features and safety bars.

There are companies that will convert your existing bathtub for handicapped use as well. These conversions often involve cutting a door into an existing bathtub or reducing the outer wall and installing steps. The reviews of these conversions have been mixed, and if safety is your primary concern, a bathtub designed for handicapped use is most likely your best choice.

Providing your handicapped loved one with a bathtub designed for their use can help them live a more independent life, while ensuring their safety and dignity.

Choosing Effective Domain Name

Domain name makes an Internet address of your web site that is why it has to be easy to remember and to type, it has to be representative and correspond with your web site. In other words it has to be effective.
To make it to be this way I've prepared a couple of tips for you when choosing an effective domain name.

Make Your Domain Name Representative.

In order your domain name to be representative, make it to be accordant to your web site name. And make your site's name also be your URL. As your web site visitors will remember it by its name. So when they decide to return to your site again don't make them wonder what the URL to type in their browser to get to the site they need.

There is another problem when the web site's name and its URL spelled differently. Imagine your web site's or the company's name is, for example "MySuperBusiness" but some other company has such URL. The visitor who remembers your web site by its name would naturally type in his/her browser and will get to your competitor's web site. And it would make a loss for you.

There are thousands of domain names are registered every day and that could be a problem for you to get the one you want.

In case you are just starting out it would be more comfortable for you to register a domain name first and name your web site only after you did that. And if you have a promoted brand name and don't want to change it only because the domain name that fits you is already taken by someone else you can check its owner through the "Whois" to see who owns it. And you can purchase it from its present owner.

Make Sure Your Domain Name is of Optimal Length.

In general domain names can be of any length up to 67 characters. There are a lot of disagreements about of what length the domain name is better to be.

A short domain name advantage is that it's much easier to remember and it's less compliant to typing mistakes.

A long domain name is usually easier to human memory instead of the one that was made short by all means. If it was, for example, replaced with its abbreviation it would be much easier to remember the complete meaningful name than the combination of letters and numbers that might have no sense.

So I guess it would be a perfect choice for you to use as short domain name as possible but only on condition of it remains meaningful.

Try not to use any symbols that carry no important information like slashes or hyphens. As it's very easy to forget them when typing your URL.

Choose the Right Domain Extension.

Choosing a domain name extension depends on what exactly your activity is. In case it is of local scales, like pizza delivery, you can take a country- specific domain name. You also get in a good position with such domain name as the people your activity is targeted to know that they are dealing with a local entity.

The most common types of domain extensions are .com, .net and .org. These domain extensions are for your use in case you are planning to benefit from the international activity.
There are some domain names that require from the registrant to represent a certain type of entity such as .edu, which is reserved for universities or high schools, .aero, .biz, museum and some others.

So as you can see it is vitally important for you to get your own domain name. And it would be better if it corresponds with your activity and the web site's name. But the bottom line of the article is that you sure should purchase you own domain name.

More hosting articles you can also find here Web Site Hosting Reviews- Web Hosting Review - and Cheap Web Hosting Directory - .

Curb Appeal

So you want to sell your home? If you are thinking about putting your house on the market, there are several things to consider before doing so. Now that the real estate market has cooled off, selling your home can be difficult, especially if you are unprepared.

Creating "curb appeal" is one of the most important issues when competing in today's real estate market. Without it, buyers will more than likely not even think about viewing the inside of your home: Of course, unless you've priced your home much less than all the other comparable homes in your neighborhood. Under-pricing your home is not always the best thing to do, especially if you have a considerable amount of money invested in your home. Therefore, you need to prepare your home to sell according to what homebuyers expect to get when purchasing a home to be in the running.

Having "curb appeal" simply means showing the front exterior and yard of your home as neat, appealing and well-maintained, with that "gotta have it" appearance. What do most buyers expect to see when they look at a home? Well, peeling paint, weedy grass, empty planting beds and broken fences are not things homebuyers like to see when they view a home. This means work, work and more work for them and that puts your house at the bottom of their list of homes to consider purchasing. If you don't want to scare off potential buyers, these things need to be taken care of before you put your house on the market. First impressions are lasting impressions when it comes to any real estate market. But, don't be discouraged. This certainly doesn't mean you have to completely renovate your home in order to sell it.

Try driving by your home first and take a good look at it. You may like the way it looks, but would a prospective buyer like it enough to spend their "hard earned" money on it? Creating a look that is pleasing to the eye is not that difficult. Basic improvements in the front landscaping and front exterior of your home is usually all that is needed to generate curb appeal. This is the best place to start when preparing your home for a sale.

To get a general idea of what buyers desire in a home, just leaf through a few home and garden magazines. Even though most of the homes depicted in the photographs are not the norm, most people are media-oriented, so presenting the front of your home and yard as "visually" appealing will at least get their "feet" in your door. Once homebuyers start imagining themselves living in your home, then you have certainly won half the battle when it comes to selling your home in a "cool" real estate market.

Facial Enhancements with Surgical Implants

It goes without saying that the appearance of the human face plays a massive role in interactions between each of us. Implants offer an opportunity to put forth your best side.

Facial Enhancements with Surgical Implants

There are many definitions for plastic surgery. One of the more common is the correction or modification of abnormalities in the body. What exactly constitutes an abnormality is the subject of great debate, to wit, an actual abnormality or something a person subjectively does not care for in their appearance.

Surgical implants used for facial enhancements definitely tend to fall within a more medically determined definition of plastic surgery. The implants are often used to address imperfections that are both subjectively perceived and physically present from a medical perspective. Seriously small chins and uneven or collapsed cheek bones are a common area of surgical intervention.

Surgical solutions for facial defects are all about reshaping the face to a more traditional structure. The goal could be to increase the size of a chin to create linear balance from side views or to enhance one side of the face to create balance in appearance. Obviously, there are other situations as well. What is not disputed, however, is the emotional and psychological benefit of such enhancements when a serious defect exists.

Evade the eBay Scams!

If you're doing business on eBay, you must know how to identify a scam, and how to evade them. If you are scammed, there are a number of actions you can take to correct the situation.

You can without doubt avoid many scams with the payment method that you use, whether you are a buyer or a seller. eBay owns Paypal, and in most cases, Paypal is the payment method you should use.

As a buyer, if you are scammed or less than satisfied with the item when it arrives, you can dispute the charge easily, and demand a refund. The seller must reply and show proof that the item was shipped, or Paypal will return your funds to your account.

As a seller, you can shield yourself by only accepting Paypal. This will remove the chances of receiving a bad check or having the buyer dispute a credit card charge. Instead, they must dispute the charge through PayPal, and you of course will be able to provide evidence that you shipped the product.

Another frequent scam that buyers use is the bidding scam. This type of scam is run either with two separate eBay accounts - with one person in control of both of them, or with two friends with separate eBay accounts. A very small bid is placed on your item, using one account. This is followed by a very high bid, from the other eBay account. Before the bidding ends, the high bid is cancelled or withdrawn, leaving the low bid as the winning bid.

If you are an eBay seller, you can further protect your auctions by placing a notice on your auctions page declaring that you have the right to back out of the sale if you suspect potential fraud.

Solving Baby Slep Problems - The Ferber Method

Nothing can prepare new parents for the mind numbing weariness that comes with lack of sleep. A new baby may be tiny but the havoc they wreak to your sleep is huge. It can take work to establish good sleeping habits. One of the hardest things for your baby is to learn to fall asleep on his own.

I firmly believe that parents need to reclaim their evenings. Babies and young children need to go to bed at a reasonable hour so that you can enjoy some adult time (Even if that just means crashing out on the sofa in front of the TV) What you don't want is to be running up and downstairs all evening in response to the baby monitor!

Baby is used to falling asleep with a parent. It may be tempting to rock that crying baby to sleep - it may seem quicker but in the long run you are not helping your baby to learn that sleep is something he needs to do alone.

If you establish a bedtime routine which you stick to every night and after several months your baby will still not fall asleep you might like to try the Ferber Method. Dr. Richard Ferber sets out a schedule that will gradually encourage your baby to sleep without you. This will include getting off to sleep in the first place but will have a knock on effect if baby wakes up during the night.

If you decide to try the Ferber Method choose a time when you can afford to loose some sleep. It will take a couple of weeks of hard work but the rewards will be long term and permanent.

Essentially the Ferber method encourages you to gradually wean your baby from falling asleep with a parent. It does involve listening to your baby cry - so steal yourself to this.

The first night you put your baby to bed as usual (a calm bedtime routine is essential) Baby should
be sleepy but still awake when you put him down (You want him to fall asleep alone - not in your arms)

Leave the room. When baby starts to cry (as he inevitably will) sit it out for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes return to the bedroom and soothe baby. You must not pick him up or rock him - just a gentle stroke or pat so that he knows you are close by. Leave the room again and this time wait 10 minutes before you return. Again sooth but do not pick up baby. Leave again and this time wait 15 minutes.
Make 15 minutes the maximum wait time for the rest of the night. Return to the bedroom - sooth and leave. During one of the 15 minutes he will fall asleep.

On the second night start with a ten minute wait and work up to 20 minutes.

On the third night start with a 15 minutes and work up to 25

Each night increase the times by 5 minutes.

These time intervals are not cast in stone - make them smaller if you wish but it's really important that you don't cave. It can seem heartbreaking to listen to your baby cry. But you are close by, it's a plan not indifference.

I used the Ferber method with my daughter, when she was a toddler. We had not experienced sleep problems when she was a baby in a crib. The difficulties started when we transferred her to a bed. The night time "pantomime" got more and more elaborate as she extended the time I was in the room with her. She used every trick in the book to get me back into her bedroom and to delay the time when she settled down to sleep.

By the time I came across Dr Ferber's book I was desperate. It was taking longer and longer every night to get her off to sleep but I wasn't prepared for how hard it would be to leave my daughter to cry. In fact most times I was sitting on the stairs crying too. My husband encouraged me stick at it and I'm glad that we did. It really did just take a couple of weeks to set up a pattern that lasted all through her childhood. I found that I could spend some enjoyable bedtimes, reading stories etc, confident that when I said "goodnight" she would snuggle down and go to sleep without any fuss

What is The Secret to Succeeding in a Home Based Online Business

Here's the TRUTH about what you should consider before you invest your time, money & energy into a home based Internet business.

The key factors to succeeding in a "work from home", Internet based business are not a lot different than the factors necessary to succeed in the "real world". Unfortunately all of us have grown accustom to getting things NOW in this fast paced, hyper space world we live in. We want to push a button and just get what we what. We want to swing through the drive-through window, barely slow down, grab what we want and keep going.

So understandably, when it comes to choosing a business where you can make lots of money on the Internet while comfortably working from home we want to choose a "make money online business" where we can pay a little bit of money to get started, get a free web site, and just "click" and become an overnight millionaire. Right? Warning anytime an Internet Marketing Company tells you it is that simple you should run in the other direction! It simply does not work that way. Here's why.

As you know, to succeed in the "real world", you need a good specialized education, the ability to work hard, and sometimes a bit of luck. Sorry if I burst your bubble, but to succeed in your own home based business and make lots of money working online you need the same things a good specialized education, the ability to work smart and sometimes hard, and sometimes a bit of good luck.

The specialized education you need is; KNOWING HOW TO MARKET ONLINE. THAT'S It. THAT IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS! Without that, your chances of success in ANY home based Internet business are very, very slim. If you will take the time to learn how to market online, YOU will then have the ability to always take care of yourself and your family for the rest of your life!

Fortunately you don't have to stop and go back to school for years to learn how to market online. I have discovered the most remarkable Home Based Business where you can learn while you earn and become an EXPERT in marketing your own home based online business.

There are thousands of online home based businesses out there such as: (EDC, EDC Gold, EDC Diamond, Passport To Wealth, Road Map To Riches, Big Ticket To Wealth, Reverse Funnel System and The Wealthy Marketer), just to name a few. There are also dozens of mentors out there like; (Craig Garcia, Michael Corcoran, Chris Campbell, Tim Rohers, David Dubbs, Shay Patil, Matthew Sunderland, Lance Frisbbe), and many others. After conducting extensive research of several years, I have found the absolute finest home based Internet business! It's called the Wealth Funnel System and it was created by Derrick Harper.
The teaching, mentoring and extensive educational resources offered by the Wealth Funnel System are truly exceptional! You truly can get a world class online marketing education while you are making thousands of dollars per month learning more and more. Then once you become successful with the first business we set you up in using EDC Gold or EDC Diamond, we have 8 additional online businesses that you can add one at a time as you become more knowledgeable and successful. The residual income from these additional sites can be amazing!

We help you every step of the way. With this amazing system, you truly can create MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME for yourself that will serve you the rest of your life. You can even apply the knowledge you gain of how to market online to ANY other online business you may have or choose to start in the future. The key is YOU get the knowledge and you can use it forever.

Additionally-The Wealth Funnel System is the ONLY Home Based Internet Business I have found that has a 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. You make a minimum of $5,000 per month within 90 days or you will get 100% of your money back.

If you are truly interested in finding the RIGHT "Work From Home" business where you can make money online, you really owe it to yourself to check this out at the website listed below. I will be happy to speak with you in person and answer any questions you may have. You will find my phone number on the second page of the website.

Looking forward to hearing from you and helping you become successful working online at home with your own home based business.

Wishing you the best in success,

Friday, September 16, 2011


Osteoarthritis (degenerative arthritis, degenerative joint disease) is a chronic joint disease characterized by deterioration of cartilage (cartilage) joints and nearby bones, which can cause joint pain and stiffness. This disease usually occurs at the age above 70 years. It can occur in men and women, but men can be exposed at a younger age.

Under normal circumstances, the joint has a low degree of friction so it will not easily wear out, except when used in a very exaggerated or injury. Osteoarthritis likely started when an abnormality occurs in the cells that form cartilage components, such as collagen (protein fibers are strong connective tissue) and proteoglycans (materials that make up there silience of cartilage).
Furthermore, the cartilage grows too much, but it will eventually thin out and form cracks on the surface. Small cavity is formed in the marrow of the bone located under the cartilage, so that bones become brittle. Excessive bone growth on the outskirts of the joints and cause bumps (osteophytes), which can be seen and felt. These bumps affect the normal function of joints and cause pain.
Ultimately, the cartilage surface is smooth and slippery turns into rough and potholed, so that the joints are no longer able to move smoothly. All components of the joints (bone, joint capsule, synovial tissue, tendons and cartilage) and Thrombin failed joints.

Osteoarthritis grouped into:
- Primary osteoarthritis, if the cause is unknown
- Secondary osteoarthritis, if the cause is another disease (eg Paget's disease or ineksi, deformity, injury or excessive use of joints).
People whose jobs cause repetitive stress on joints have a greater risk to suffer from osteoarthritis. This type of work such as mine workers and bus drivers.
Obesity is thought to be a major factor in the occurrence of osteoarthritis, but the proof is not strong enough.

When x-ray done on people aged 40 years, most will show onset of osteoarthritis, especially in load-bearing joints like the hip joint, but few have symptoms. Symptoms usually develop gradually and at first only on one or a few joints. What is often affected are the finger joints, base of the thumb, neck, lower back, big toes, hips and knees. Pain will usually get worse if the exercise, the first symptom. Some people feel the stiffness in the joints when waking up or in other non-active activity, but the stiffness usually disappears within 30 minutes after they re-move the joint. Damage due to orteoartritis worsened, so the joint becomes difficult mobilized and will eventually stop at a bent position. The new growth of bone, cartilage and other tissues can cause swelling of joints, and cartilage that causes the rough sound of rattling when the joint is moved. Bone growth (node ​​Herbeden) often occur at joints in the fingers.
In some joints (eg knee joint), ligaments (which surround and support the joints) stretched so that the joint becomes unstable. Touching or moving the joint can cause severe pain. The hip joint becomes stiff and loses power, so moving the hip joint motion also causes pain. Osteoarthritis often occurs in the spine. Its main symptom is back pain. Usually damage to joints in the spine only causes pain and stiffness that are mild. Osteoarthritis of the neck or lower back can cause numbness, tingling, pain and weakness in arms or legs, if the growth of excess bone pressing persarafannya. Sometimes blood vessels leading to the back of the depressed brain, causing impaired vision, vertigo, nausea and vomiting. Bone growth can also suppress the esophagus and cause difficulty swallowing.

Five Factors that Cause Autism

Autism is a complex developmental disorder in children. Symptoms that appear are the disturbances in the areas of development such as the development of two-way interaction, the development of reciprocal interaction, and behavior development. Until now, the certainty of autism has not been solved. In fact, the development of children with autism is now increasingly worried. In the United States, comparison of children with autism with normal 1:150, while in England 1:100. Indonesia does not have accurate data on it.

The scientists say autism due to a combination of various factors, including genetic factors triggered by environmental factors. Here are the factors that allegedly trigger autism is still mysterious.

1. Genetic
There is strong evidence of the changes in the gene contribute to the occurrence of autism. According to the National Institutes of Health, a family who has one child with autism has a 10-20 times greater chance to give birth to children with autism as well.
Research on twins found that if one child with autism, twin most likely have the same disorder.
In general, the experts identified 20 genes that cause autism spectrum disorders. The gene plays an important role in brain development, brain growth, and how brain cells communicate.

2. Pesticide
High pesticide exposure is also associated with the occurrence of autism. Some research found that pesticides will disrupt the function of genes in the central nervous system. According to Dr. Alice Mao, professor of psychiatry, the chemicals in pesticides impact on those who have talent autism.

3. Drugs
Babies who are exposed to certain drugs while in the womb have a greater risk of autism. These drugs include valproic and thalidomide. Thalidomide is a drug older generation used to overcome the symptoms of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, anxiety, and insomnia.
Drug thalidomide itself has been banned in America because of the many reports of babies born with disabilities. However, these drugs are prescribed to address skin disorders and cancer therapy. Meanwhile, valproic acid is a drug used for patients with mood disorders and bipolar disorder.

4. Age parent
The older age of parents when he/she has a child, the higher the risk the child suffering from autism. The study published in 2010 found that women aged 40 years had a 50 percent risk of having a child with autism compared with women aged 20-29 years.
"It is not known with certainty the relationship age of parents with autism. However, this is presumably because the occurrence of gene mutation factor, "said Alycia Halladay, Director of Environmental Studies Research Autism Speaks.

5. Brain development
Certain areas in the brain, including cortex and cerebellum serebal responsible for the concentration, movement and mood regulation, related to autism. The imbalance of neurotransmitters, like dopamine and serotonin, the brain also associated with autism

Relationship Between Personality with Disease Risk

Personality was not only congenital, but also has close relationships risk of certain diseases.
If you include a jovial type of person is someone who likes to sing while bathing or can still be smiling when you're sad it means you have considerable opportunity to avoid the attack of stroke. On the one hand for those who are moody, often sad or very serious in life will have a greater risk of stroke disease.

Basically, the human personality is divided into three parts:
1. Type A
People who have type A personalities to have a nature, among others, tend to be impatient, aggressive and competitive. He is always in a hurry in doing something, is / has the properties of a perfectionist and workaholic.

2. Type B
People who have a personality with type B have properties like calm in the face of things, and they also have a sense of humor.

3. Type C
People who have the personality of type C has the properties of a combination of type A and type B. People with type C of this nature appear calm but feeling in it as if it would explode like a bomb.

Personality VS Disease Risk
In general personality with type A is susceptible to heart disease. Why? People with type A has the properties can not be silent, ambitious and hardworking. If they fail or get something that does not correspond with the expectations she will experience stress. Furthermore, this stress will eventually cause heart disease. Besides, people with type A generally have high levels of stress hormones, so this may cause disturbances in blood pressure and other systems. In the end they have a greater risk of heart disease.

From these cases it can be concluded that people with type B that can be said the most fortunate people. Why? Because these people can control themselves so well that they are not susceptible to severe disease such as heart disease and others.

One's personality can not be changed, but if you realize that human nature much self-defeating at least you should try to change it. That is a bad turn of nature to better properties. Not too late to change for the better.

Cari Uang Gratis Di Internet


Saya telah menjalani bisnis online sejak tahun 2009 hingga sekarang (2001) dan telah mengikuti berbagai macam program Paid to Survey ( AW. Survey, Survey Scot, Globaltesmarket, Survey Savvy dll). Dari sekian banyak survey yang saya ikuti hanya ada satu survey yang cukup menyenangkan yaitu ID Ipanelonline. Walaupun pada dasarnya semua survey tersebut terbukti membayar para anggotanya. Saya baru bergabung dua di ID Ipanelonline 2 bulan yang lalu dan sudah bisa payout 2 kali. Lalu apa kelebihan dari ID Ipanelonline ini sehingga saya memutuskan untuk mempromosikannya?

Pertama, Situs ini free sign-up (benar-benar free) untuk semua negara.
Kedua, Di dalam situs ini kita mendapatkan 2 macam survey yaitu survey bisnis dan survey mutual. Di dalam survey bisnis, kita akan dikirimi survey melalui email (seminggu sekali) dan nilai  poinnya cukup besar yaitu mulai 100 poin hingga 300 poin. Waktu pengerjaan untuk survey bisnis ini berkisar kurang lebih 30 menit. Sedangkan untuk survey mutual bisa kita kerjakan tiap hari dan nilai poinnya tidak begitu besar yaitu berkisar antara 2 poin hingga 20 poin. Dan sebelum mengerjakan survey ini harap dibaca dahulu keterangan yang disediakan oleh masing-masing survey tersebut supaya anda bisa mengerjakannya dengan benar.
Ketiga, minimum withdrawnya ada tiga pilihan yaitu 220 poin (Rp. 20.000), 500 poin (Rp.50.000) hinnga 1000 poin (Rp 100.000). Sedangkan untuk pembayarannya bisa menggunakan paypal atau rekening bank lokal. Untuk withdrawnya ini anda bisa mempelajarinya sendiri.
Untuk pembayaran dengan payapal prosesnya cukup cepat yaitu hanya 1 hari sedangkan bila menggunakan rekening bank lokal prosesnya membutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 7 hari.
Keempat, untuk bonus referral dari ID Ipanelonline ini adalah 200 poin dari  member yang kita rekrut dengan menggunakan link kita.  

Nah itulah kelebihan dari ID Ipanelonline yang tidak didapatkan pada survey-survey yang lain yang rata-rata harus mengumpulkan poin yang bamyak dahulu untuk dapat melakukan withdraw. Nah tunggu apa lagi yang anda tunggu lebih baik bertindak daripada berpikir panjang. Semoga sukses…

A Guide To Free Screensavers

There are millions of Screensavers available on the Internet. Almost all of these can be downloaded and installed easily. These are usually categorized according to themes. Nature lovers can choose picturesque locations. Fish lovers can choose from different kinds of aquariums with multi-colored fish that are swishing through colored water. Those who really like adventure sports or aircraft can choose from a wide array of moving images and clips of death-defying stunts. Screensavers can also be slide shows that have various pictures of movie celebrities, sportspersons and politicians.

However, some precautions need to be taken before downloading Screensavers. The most important one is that Screensavers must be downloaded from trusted sites. It's also always a good idea to scan Screensavers for viruses and other potentially dangerous elements, such as spyware and adware. If an anti-virus is already installed on the system, a right click enables a menu which provides for a 'scan with…' option. This option can be selected and left-clicked to check the selected download before double-clicking it and installing it.

Sometimes Screensavers are extremely graphic-intensive. This means that they contain so many graphics that they are huge files. Huge files take a lot of space on the computer when they run, and make the computer work so much harder and so much faster than normal that the computer freezes. Then the computer needs to be restarted and all the unsaved information on the computer -- such as open files that were being worked on before the Screensaver was activated – is lost.

Some Screensavers also make the hard drive of the computer crash, causing irretrievable data loss. Therefore, it is important for users to download Screensavers that are compatible with the configuration of their computers. This means that the speed of the processor in the computer, and the free space on it, should be sufficient for the Screensaver to be downloaded, installed and run.

Many users like to create their own Screensavers, often with the visuals and audio of their choice. Some software applications facilitate this. Out of these, some can be freely downloaded from the Internet. However, these should be downloaded only from trusted sites, and should be supported by the configuration of the user's computer. Once downloaded, these should also be scanned for viruses and other common infections. When installed, these programs enable the user to combine images, video clips and audio clips to create a personalized Screensaver, sometimes even for circulation amongst friends and family.

Glass Deck Railings - Where Class Should Be Visible

Add Sparkle To Space – Use Glass Railings

Glass railings with some transparency and a lot reflection from glass can create a different kind of atmosphere to a place that has been lit up brightly. If you see a Dubai gold mart for example, you will be able to see lot of glass railing in market. The well-lit mart becomes alive with reflection from gold and the use of glass everywhere, including the railings, accentuates the feeling of fun of shopping.The complete reflection from all surfaces adds to the glitter of gold there. If you use wood or any other railings there, the effect will not be as electric.

Customized Solutions - Glass Railings

Glass railings are never available as ready made material that can be cut and fitted as required. When you wish to use glass railings, the idea is to accentuate the atmosphere of the whole place and hence you may have to consider the all the factors including the lighting. The holistic approach has to be applied to the whole place rather than just fitting the glass railings.

Advantage Glass Railings – No Maintenance Absolutely

The main advantage of the glass railings is that it requires no maintenance at all. There is no requirement of polishing or the possibility of mildew formation or and degradation of quality of the installed railings. Apart from the general cleaning, the glass railing continues to look as good as new all the time. Replacements unless the glass breaks are not necessary.

Advantage 2 - Tender Handling By Customers

Because of the perception of glass as breakable material, everyone handles it carefully even when tender handling is not required. Therefore, when children try riding the railings, immediately the parents come in and prevent the children from doing so. This happens, as the glass is feared to be breakable even when it is not and this prevents any undesirable incidents in a shopping complex.

Advantage 3 - Inviting Atmosphere

The glass with its openness results in a place where the shoppers feel invited and indulge in more shopping than may be warranted by their capacity and the shop owner gets the advantage of higher turnover.

Questions To Ask A Tattoo Artist Before Getting A Tattoo

If you are thinking of getting a tattoo, take the time to talk with your tattoo artist. During the conversation, make sure to have a list of questions that you would like answered prior to moving forward with your decision. Below are a few questions that you should consider asking:

How long have you been in business? This is important in determining how professional the work will be and what type of reputation the business has. If the tattoo studio is a member of the Better Business Bureau, check out their record to see about any complaints that have been initiated within the previous 36 months.

What are your qualifications? Before you see a doctor, isn't it important to know that they are qualified? Absolutely. The same is true with a tattoo artist. Even though the two professions are completely different, there are similarities in that both involve the use of needles and both professionals must be knowledgeable in their approach at sterilizing their equipment. An individual's qualifications and training history will tell you a lot about what to expect.

Do you guarantee your work? If the final image isn't exactly as you had hoped for, will it be fixed at no charge or what is the process if you are unhappy with the tattoo? Is there any type of refund policy? These are all important in determining service after the sale.

Can I see samples of your work or do you have references? If you want to know about the quality of work, you should always ask for references in any business.

How much will this cost? Before agreeing to a specific tattoo design, you will want to know the full cost involved. Large tattoos can be very costly, but even the smallest design can be expensive if you are on a budget. Do yourself a favor and avoid any surprises - ask about the costs upfront.

How many tattoos have you done? This will give you a good indication of the experience level and how much design work the artist has done

DIY Driftwood for your aquarium

DIY driftwood takes time, but it will save you tons of money. Some small pieces cost well over $20. Also, the soak method (minus salt) will work for store bought driftwood. Store bought driftwood is cleaned and has not been soaked. This may lead to tannin's being leaked into your tank

What you'll need:
Driftwood, which can be found anywhere. It doesn't necessarily have to come from the water. You could find it in the woods, as long as it is weathered down and looks unique. Also make sure the wood is not rotting.

BIG soaking container, I use a 15 gal rubber maid container.

Aquarium Salt, I use Doc Wellfish brand. This is used as a natural way of killing bacteria and parasites.

First step, clean off your wood! Make sure all debris and bark are removed from the wood (or it'll fall off in your tank!). Once complete, boil the water in the BIG pot and add aquarium salt. I use about a tablespoon per gallon. Boil the entire piece for about 2-4 hours depending on your size. If you can only fit half the wood in the pot then you will need to boil the other half.

Once the boil is complete you can transfer your wood into the rubber maid container. Add water until the whole piece of wood is under water (you can also add salt if you want). If the wood does not sink place something on top of it until it does. It'll sink after a week or two. You'll notice the water turn into tea-ish color. It is the result of the tannins that are released into the water. If you didn't soak the wood, the water in your tank would be this color. Tannins are natural and some fishes actually like it because it'll make them feel more at home. It'll also affect your PH, I'm not sure about GH or KH. You'll need to do water changes every other day to clean the water. This may take weeks or months.

Starting Up a Business with Poster Banner Prints

Well, with the innovations made at present there is nothing more impossible. You can now achieve to create a campaign tool that will best suit for your promotion. The utilization of poster banner prints had been a very effective means of communication for it relays a significant message towards your audience. It silently relays a valuable message that makes your customers attentive to it.

Poster banner prints had been very effective campaign tool in starting a business for it wordlessly convey your messages to your audience. Usually they can be seen hanged on walls, supermarkets or in busy streets where mostly people are found. Having them attractively presented can indeed create an impact that would end up gaining a positive impression from your audiences.

Primarily poster banners prints are highly regarded as important means of advertising for business starters because it has a gigantic feature that makes them visibly seen even from a distance. Compared to a talk or slide presentation poster banner prints are more effective because they are sequentially arranged and allows every viewer to go back and review in order to figure out what they had missed upon the presentation.

Mainly poster banner prints are significantly produced through poster banner printing services provided by commercial printers. This printing service makes use of groundbreaking large format printers, high quality printing materials and high-tech printing equipments. Poster banner prints are produced by adding up effective graphic designs, striking colors and persuasive text contents. Having them well designed and attractively appealing can result to captivate your customers' attention.

Moreover weighing against to any other promotional tools and printing services the poster banner printing services is indeed more beneficial because you are assured that you will be able to come up with a print that will make you stand out among your competitors. With the intense printing service provided you can create an identity that will surely stand out.

First and foremost with the many poster banner printing services provided at present you no longer have to worry as to who will be the one to do your printing jobs. With the professional staffs and expert designers for sure you will be able to come up with your desired material. Hence if you want to come up with crisp, vibrant and well detailed material for your promotion only choose for the company suited for your jobs.

6 Tips to Stop Mold Growing in Your Home

It is normal to find mold spores in a homes indoor air and surfaces such as clothes, walls, and furniture. Most of the time mold spores found indoors are from outside sources. Regular housekeeping cleaning helps keep mold levels low. Cleaning small areas of visible mold, like the mold around your shower, is obligatory to maintain sanitary conditions.

When you should be more concerned is when your home has a large-scale of active mold growing. Such problems are most likely to happen when there's been an on-going water leak, flood, or excessively high levels of humidity in the home. Indoor mold growth may lead to high levels of airborne mold spores, which, in turn, can trigger the spread of mold growth from the original source to additional areas of the home having high moisture levels.

Extensive mold growth will damage your home and furnishings, like carpets, sofas and cabinets. Over a period of time, uncontrolled mold growth can even instigate damage to structural elements of your home. While there is no practical way to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment, keeping your home clean and dry can avert extensive mold growth and the ensuing damage.

Damage to your home and possessions is not the only reason to be concerned with mold. Although most people are exposed to small amounts of mold or their spores on a daily basis without apparent harm, mold is an unsanitary condition that may present potential health risks to certain individuals.

Possible adverse health effects produced by molds can include allergic, irritating, or toxigenic effects, and even infections, allergic reactions being the most common. Symptoms reported by affected people include: respiratory conditions, such as wheezing, difficulty breathing, and shortness of breath, sneezing and/or nasal congestion, eye and/or throat irritation, headaches and fatigue.

Here are a few tips to keep moisture from becoming a breeding ground in your home for molds.

1. Ensure that bathrooms, dryers and other moisture-creating sources are vented to the outside

2. Take care not to block any of your house's air conditioning vents

3. Install de-humidifiers in basements and crawlspaces.

4. Use your kitchen's exhaust fans when cooking

5. Install insulation on cold surfaces like piping, air ducts or basement walls to lessen possibilities of condensation

6. Install moisture sensor alarms in potential water back-up and overflow areas to alert you when a leak occurs.

Forgive For Less Marital Anger

Stacy's partner of twelve years does not come home one evening and she knew he was with a former lover. He begged for another chance with Stacy, but her pride and anger held her back. Stacy said she would feel like a fool if she forgave him, even though she still loved him. Stacy didn't end the relationship, but reminds him daily of what he did to her.

Should Stacy forgive her otherwise good husband for what he did? Of course, only Stacy can make this decision.

Fact is, most marriages cannot survive knowledge of an affair, but some do and can even grow stronger in the long run.

Stacy and others who struggle with forgiveness for all kinds of marital offenses (not only affairs) can be helped in their decision by considering the following misconceptions about forgiveness:

Forgiving means that you forget about the offense.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Even though you forgive, you may never forget (and probably shouldn't) what happened to you.

However, you can tell that you have truly forgiven an offense when you can remember it without experiencing the emotional pain connected with it.

Forgiving means that you are saying what they did was okay.
Quite the opposite. We can still forgive, but see what happened to us as unjust, unfair, or unacceptable.

There are many things that our partners can do to us that we don't deserve or that violate the contract, covenant, or agreement you have with each other.

Yet, we can forgive by realizing that perhaps they were misguided, or flawed and thus worthy of another chance.

In order to forgive, you need to tell your partner that you forgive them.

Actually, it often backfires if you go up to someone and say "I forgive you," especially if they see themselves as a victim instead of seeing themselves as someone who warrants forgiveness.

Fact is, forgiveness occurs in your heart- not in the telling someone that you forgive them.